Delivery of data

First. To put your data on this site, you as author must agree to the licensing of the data first. The license is simple. You as data author agree that data can be published on Journalismdata and may be quoted by anyone using the site. The data may not be repurposed without the authors consent. By delivering the data by e-mail, USB or any other means to Journalismdata, you as author agree to these terms.

Second. You send an e-mail to makaeb(a) where you attach the data as HTML-report (from SPSS or other statistics software), CSV, XLS or other readable format. PDF-is not preferred. English is preferred language but other languages are also accepted.

Third. Along with the data fill out these headlines, that give the reader important information about your data.

Short description: (Some lines about the data. What, how much and when)

Type of data: (Is this student data or from senior researchers)

Authors: (Names, twitter-handles and e-mails of authors)

Background: (Where and how is this data created and published. Describe what the reader needs to understand the data provided)

Link to publication: (A link to the publication where data is originally quoted.)

Language: (Language of data)

Format: (What format is the data HTML, CSV, XLS and so)

Other information: (Whatever you feel is needed to understand the data)

Fourth. You wait and maybe respond to some questions on mail. Your data will be added to the site as soon as possible.

Research data from RU