IBM SPSS Web Report - Output11

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  /TABLES=Toneopslag BY Tone Følgertema Nytsynspunkt Mediekritik Meninger Magtkritik
Case Processing SummaryCase Processing Summary, table, 3 levels of column headers and 1 levels of row headers, table with 7 columns and 10 rows
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Toneopslag * Tone 3800 100.0% 0 0.0% 3800 100.0%
Toneopslag * Følgertema 3799 100.0% 1 0.0% 3800 100.0%
Toneopslag * Nytsynspunkt 3800 100.0% 0 0.0% 3800 100.0%
Toneopslag * Mediekritik 3800 100.0% 0 0.0% 3800 100.0%
Toneopslag * Meninger 3800 100.0% 0 0.0% 3800 100.0%
Toneopslag * Magtkritik 3800 100.0% 0 0.0% 3800 100.0%
Toneopslag * Tone CrosstabulationToneopslag * Tone Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 7 columns and 15 rows
  Tone Total
Nedladende Positiv Neutral
Toneopslag Glæde Count 104 108 602 814
Expected Count 170.9 47.6 595.5 814.0
% within Tone 13.0% 48.6% 21.7% 21.4%
Vrede Count 454 56 1383 1893
Expected Count 397.5 110.6 1384.9 1893.0
% within Tone 56.9% 25.2% 49.7% 49.8%
Neutral Count 240 58 795 1093
Expected Count 229.5 63.9 799.6 1093.0
% within Tone 30.1% 26.1% 28.6% 28.8%
Total Count 798 222 2780 3800
Expected Count 798.0 222.0 2780.0 3800.0
% within Tone 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Toneopslag * Følgertema CrosstabulationToneopslag * Følgertema Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 15 rows
  Følgertema Total
Følger tema i artiklen Andet
Toneopslag Glæde Count 700 113 813
Expected Count 667.9 145.1 813.0
% within Følgertema 22.4% 16.7% 21.4%
Vrede Count 1520 373 1893
Expected Count 1555.2 337.8 1893.0
% within Følgertema 48.7% 55.0% 49.8%
Neutral Count 901 192 1093
Expected Count 897.9 195.1 1093.0
% within Følgertema 28.9% 28.3% 28.8%
Total Count 3121 678 3799
Expected Count 3121.0 678.0 3799.0
% within Følgertema 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Toneopslag * Nytsynspunkt CrosstabulationToneopslag * Nytsynspunkt Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 15 rows
  Nytsynspunkt Total
Toneopslag Glæde Count 794 20 814
Expected Count 772.9 41.1 814.0
% within Nytsynspunkt 22.0% 10.4% 21.4%
Vrede Count 1809 84 1893
Expected Count 1797.4 95.6 1893.0
% within Nytsynspunkt 50.1% 43.8% 49.8%
Neutral Count 1005 88 1093
Expected Count 1037.8 55.2 1093.0
% within Nytsynspunkt 27.9% 45.8% 28.8%
Total Count 3608 192 3800
Expected Count 3608.0 192.0 3800.0
% within Nytsynspunkt 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Toneopslag * Mediekritik CrosstabulationToneopslag * Mediekritik Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 15 rows
  Mediekritik Total
Toneopslag Glæde Count 776 38 814
Expected Count 779.1 34.9 814.0
% within Mediekritik 21.3% 23.3% 21.4%
Vrede Count 1812 81 1893
Expected Count 1811.8 81.2 1893.0
% within Mediekritik 49.8% 49.7% 49.8%
Neutral Count 1049 44 1093
Expected Count 1046.1 46.9 1093.0
% within Mediekritik 28.8% 27.0% 28.8%
Total Count 3637 163 3800
Expected Count 3637.0 163.0 3800.0
% within Mediekritik 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Toneopslag * Meninger CrosstabulationToneopslag * Meninger Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 15 rows
  Meninger Total
Toneopslag Glæde Count 205 609 814
Expected Count 257.9 556.1 814.0
% within Meninger 17.0% 23.5% 21.4%
Vrede Count 622 1271 1893
Expected Count 599.8 1293.2 1893.0
% within Meninger 51.7% 49.0% 49.8%
Neutral Count 377 716 1093
Expected Count 346.3 746.7 1093.0
% within Meninger 31.3% 27.6% 28.8%
Total Count 1204 2596 3800
Expected Count 1204.0 2596.0 3800.0
% within Meninger 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Toneopslag * Magtkritik CrosstabulationToneopslag * Magtkritik Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 15 rows
  Magtkritik Total
Toneopslag Glæde Count 780 34 814
Expected Count 720.2 93.8 814.0
% within Magtkritik 23.2% 7.8% 21.4%
Vrede Count 1645 248 1893
Expected Count 1674.8 218.2 1893.0
% within Magtkritik 48.9% 56.6% 49.8%
Neutral Count 937 156 1093
Expected Count 967.0 126.0 1093.0
% within Magtkritik 27.9% 35.6% 28.8%
Total Count 3362 438 3800
Expected Count 3362.0 438.0 3800.0
% within Magtkritik 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
IBM SPSS Web Report