IBM SPSS Web Report - Output5

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Separator Separator
  /TABLES=Semester BY Articles_amount Hvormangeafdisseartikleroplevededuetiskeproblemstillinge Netjournalistikbrydermedmineforestillingeromgodjournalist Jegkunnegodttænkemigatarbejdemednetjournalistikiminka Kildervillerettederescitater Kilderføltesigmisforstået Partermenteikkedeblevhørtnok Faktavarforkerte Publiceredeartiklerudenathørebeggeellerflereparter Kunneikkeopdatereenartikeldapartikkeringedetilbage Måttepressekildertilatskyndesig Måtteskarpvinklerubrikkerforatsælgehistorie
Case Processing SummaryCase Processing Summary, table, 3 levels of column headers and 1 levels of row headers, table with 7 columns and 16 rows
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Semester of student * How many articles did you write in the course? 282 99.3% 2 0.7% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * How many articles did you encounter problems with? 284 100.0% 0 0.0% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? 282 99.3% 2 0.7% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * I would like to work with online journalism in the future 283 99.6% 1 0.4% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * Sources wanted to correct their quotes 284 100.0% 0 0.0% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * Sources felt misunderstood 284 100.0% 0 0.0% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * Parts did not think they were heard enough 284 100.0% 0 0.0% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * Wrong facts 284 100.0% 0 0.0% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * Published articles without hearing both or other parts 284 100.0% 0 0.0% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * Could not update an article as part source did not return 284 100.0% 0 0.0% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * Had to pressure sources to hurry up 284 100.0% 0 0.0% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories 284 100.0% 0 0.0% 284 100.0%
Semester of student * How many articles did you write in the course? CrosstabulationSemester of student * How many articles did you write in the course? Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 15 columns and 31 rows
  How many articles did you write in the course? Total
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 0 2 21 2 1 5 14 3 1 0 0 49
Expected Count .2 .7 7.1 11.1 13.7 6.6 6.4 1.2 1.2 .3 .3 49.0
% within Semester of student 0.0% 4.1% 42.9% 4.1% 2.0% 10.2% 28.6% 6.1% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you write in the course? 0.0% 50.0% 51.2% 3.1% 1.3% 13.2% 37.8% 42.9% 14.3% 0.0% 0.0% 17.4%
2013-2 Count 0 0 0 9 7 18 13 0 0 0 0 47
Expected Count .2 .7 6.8 10.7 13.2 6.3 6.2 1.2 1.2 .3 .3 47.0
% within Semester of student 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 19.1% 14.9% 38.3% 27.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you write in the course? 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 14.1% 8.9% 47.4% 35.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16.7%
2014-2 Count 0 1 0 13 32 1 1 0 0 0 0 48
Expected Count .2 .7 7.0 10.9 13.4 6.5 6.3 1.2 1.2 .3 .3 48.0
% within Semester of student 0.0% 2.1% 0.0% 27.1% 66.7% 2.1% 2.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you write in the course? 0.0% 25.0% 0.0% 20.3% 40.5% 2.6% 2.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 17.0%
2012-1 Count 0 1 7 3 1 3 4 2 3 1 0 25
Expected Count .1 .4 3.6 5.7 7.0 3.4 3.3 .6 .6 .2 .2 25.0
% within Semester of student 0.0% 4.0% 28.0% 12.0% 4.0% 12.0% 16.0% 8.0% 12.0% 4.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you write in the course? 0.0% 25.0% 17.1% 4.7% 1.3% 7.9% 10.8% 28.6% 42.9% 50.0% 0.0% 8.9%
2013-1 Count 0 0 10 3 2 0 4 1 2 1 1 24
Expected Count .1 .3 3.5 5.4 6.7 3.2 3.1 .6 .6 .2 .2 24.0
% within Semester of student 0.0% 0.0% 41.7% 12.5% 8.3% 0.0% 16.7% 4.2% 8.3% 4.2% 4.2% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you write in the course? 0.0% 0.0% 24.4% 4.7% 2.5% 0.0% 10.8% 14.3% 28.6% 50.0% 50.0% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 1 0 3 34 36 11 1 1 1 0 1 89
Expected Count .3 1.3 12.9 20.2 24.9 12.0 11.7 2.2 2.2 .6 .6 89.0
% within Semester of student 1.1% 0.0% 3.4% 38.2% 40.4% 12.4% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 0.0% 1.1% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you write in the course? 100.0% 0.0% 7.3% 53.1% 45.6% 28.9% 2.7% 14.3% 14.3% 0.0% 50.0% 31.6%
Total Count 1 4 41 64 79 38 37 7 7 2 2 282
Expected Count 1.0 4.0 41.0 64.0 79.0 38.0 37.0 7.0 7.0 2.0 2.0 282.0
% within Semester of student 0.4% 1.4% 14.5% 22.7% 28.0% 13.5% 13.1% 2.5% 2.5% 0.7% 0.7% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you write in the course? 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Semester of student * How many articles did you encounter problems with? CrosstabulationSemester of student * How many articles did you encounter problems with? Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 13 columns and 31 rows
  How many articles did you encounter problems with? Total
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 5 16 8 10 7 1 1 1 0 49
Expected Count 8.8 13.8 14.3 5.3 2.8 1.6 1.4 .7 .3 49.0
% within Semester of student 10.2% 32.7% 16.3% 20.4% 14.3% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you encounter problems with? 9.8% 20.0% 9.6% 32.3% 43.8% 11.1% 12.5% 25.0% 0.0% 17.3%
2013-2 Count 11 13 16 1 1 3 0 1 1 47
Expected Count 8.4 13.2 13.7 5.1 2.6 1.5 1.3 .7 .3 47.0
% within Semester of student 23.4% 27.7% 34.0% 2.1% 2.1% 6.4% 0.0% 2.1% 2.1% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you encounter problems with? 21.6% 16.3% 19.3% 3.2% 6.3% 33.3% 0.0% 25.0% 50.0% 16.5%
2014-2 Count 7 14 15 5 2 1 3 1 0 48
Expected Count 8.6 13.5 14.0 5.2 2.7 1.5 1.4 .7 .3 48.0
% within Semester of student 14.6% 29.2% 31.3% 10.4% 4.2% 2.1% 6.3% 2.1% 0.0% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you encounter problems with? 13.7% 17.5% 18.1% 16.1% 12.5% 11.1% 37.5% 25.0% 0.0% 16.9%
2012-1 Count 3 3 8 6 2 1 1 0 1 25
Expected Count 4.5 7.0 7.3 2.7 1.4 .8 .7 .4 .2 25.0
% within Semester of student 12.0% 12.0% 32.0% 24.0% 8.0% 4.0% 4.0% 0.0% 4.0% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you encounter problems with? 5.9% 3.8% 9.6% 19.4% 12.5% 11.1% 12.5% 0.0% 50.0% 8.8%
2013-1 Count 7 3 10 0 1 1 1 1 0 24
Expected Count 4.3 6.8 7.0 2.6 1.4 .8 .7 .3 .2 24.0
% within Semester of student 29.2% 12.5% 41.7% 0.0% 4.2% 4.2% 4.2% 4.2% 0.0% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you encounter problems with? 13.7% 3.8% 12.0% 0.0% 6.3% 11.1% 12.5% 25.0% 0.0% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 18 31 26 9 3 2 2 0 0 91
Expected Count 16.3 25.6 26.6 9.9 5.1 2.9 2.6 1.3 .6 91.0
% within Semester of student 19.8% 34.1% 28.6% 9.9% 3.3% 2.2% 2.2% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you encounter problems with? 35.3% 38.8% 31.3% 29.0% 18.8% 22.2% 25.0% 0.0% 0.0% 32.0%
Total Count 51 80 83 31 16 9 8 4 2 284
Expected Count 51.0 80.0 83.0 31.0 16.0 9.0 8.0 4.0 2.0 284.0
% within Semester of student 18.0% 28.2% 29.2% 10.9% 5.6% 3.2% 2.8% 1.4% 0.7% 100.0%
% within How many articles did you encounter problems with? 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Semester of student * Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? CrosstabulationSemester of student * Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 9 columns and 31 rows
  Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? Total
Agree Somewhat agree Neither nor Somewhat disagree Disagree
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 6 15 14 12 2 49
Expected Count 4.3 13.4 15.3 12.2 3.8 49.0
% within Semester of student 12.2% 30.6% 28.6% 24.5% 4.1% 100.0%
% within Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? 24.0% 19.5% 15.9% 17.1% 9.1% 17.4%
2013-2 Count 6 12 17 10 1 46
Expected Count 4.1 12.6 14.4 11.4 3.6 46.0
% within Semester of student 13.0% 26.1% 37.0% 21.7% 2.2% 100.0%
% within Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? 24.0% 15.6% 19.3% 14.3% 4.5% 16.3%
2014-2 Count 1 11 15 13 8 48
Expected Count 4.3 13.1 15.0 11.9 3.7 48.0
% within Semester of student 2.1% 22.9% 31.3% 27.1% 16.7% 100.0%
% within Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? 4.0% 14.3% 17.0% 18.6% 36.4% 17.0%
2012-1 Count 1 7 10 5 1 24
Expected Count 2.1 6.6 7.5 6.0 1.9 24.0
% within Semester of student 4.2% 29.2% 41.7% 20.8% 4.2% 100.0%
% within Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? 4.0% 9.1% 11.4% 7.1% 4.5% 8.5%
2013-1 Count 1 4 5 12 2 24
Expected Count 2.1 6.6 7.5 6.0 1.9 24.0
% within Semester of student 4.2% 16.7% 20.8% 50.0% 8.3% 100.0%
% within Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? 4.0% 5.2% 5.7% 17.1% 9.1% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 10 28 27 18 8 91
Expected Count 8.1 24.8 28.4 22.6 7.1 91.0
% within Semester of student 11.0% 30.8% 29.7% 19.8% 8.8% 100.0%
% within Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? 40.0% 36.4% 30.7% 25.7% 36.4% 32.3%
Total Count 25 77 88 70 22 282
Expected Count 25.0 77.0 88.0 70.0 22.0 282.0
% within Semester of student 8.9% 27.3% 31.2% 24.8% 7.8% 100.0%
% within Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Semester of student * I would like to work with online journalism in the future CrosstabulationSemester of student * I would like to work with online journalism in the future Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 9 columns and 31 rows
  I would like to work with online journalism in the future Total
Agree Somewhat agree Neither nor Somewhat disagree Disagree
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 3 4 17 13 12 49
Expected Count 3.6 9.0 15.1 14.0 7.3 49.0
% within Semester of student 6.1% 8.2% 34.7% 26.5% 24.5% 100.0%
% within I would like to work with online journalism in the future 14.3% 7.7% 19.5% 16.0% 28.6% 17.3%
2013-2 Count 3 5 15 16 7 46
Expected Count 3.4 8.5 14.1 13.2 6.8 46.0
% within Semester of student 6.5% 10.9% 32.6% 34.8% 15.2% 100.0%
% within I would like to work with online journalism in the future 14.3% 9.6% 17.2% 19.8% 16.7% 16.3%
2014-2 Count 5 13 16 10 4 48
Expected Count 3.6 8.8 14.8 13.7 7.1 48.0
% within Semester of student 10.4% 27.1% 33.3% 20.8% 8.3% 100.0%
% within I would like to work with online journalism in the future 23.8% 25.0% 18.4% 12.3% 9.5% 17.0%
2012-1 Count 5 2 7 9 2 25
Expected Count 1.9 4.6 7.7 7.2 3.7 25.0
% within Semester of student 20.0% 8.0% 28.0% 36.0% 8.0% 100.0%
% within I would like to work with online journalism in the future 23.8% 3.8% 8.0% 11.1% 4.8% 8.8%
2013-1 Count 1 7 8 6 2 24
Expected Count 1.8 4.4 7.4 6.9 3.6 24.0
% within Semester of student 4.2% 29.2% 33.3% 25.0% 8.3% 100.0%
% within I would like to work with online journalism in the future 4.8% 13.5% 9.2% 7.4% 4.8% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 4 21 24 27 15 91
Expected Count 6.8 16.7 28.0 26.0 13.5 91.0
% within Semester of student 4.4% 23.1% 26.4% 29.7% 16.5% 100.0%
% within I would like to work with online journalism in the future 19.0% 40.4% 27.6% 33.3% 35.7% 32.2%
Total Count 21 52 87 81 42 283
Expected Count 21.0 52.0 87.0 81.0 42.0 283.0
% within Semester of student 7.4% 18.4% 30.7% 28.6% 14.8% 100.0%
% within I would like to work with online journalism in the future 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Semester of student * Sources wanted to correct their quotes CrosstabulationSemester of student * Sources wanted to correct their quotes Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 31 rows
  Sources wanted to correct their quotes Total
No Yes
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 19 30 49
Expected Count 21.9 27.1 49.0
% within Semester of student 38.8% 61.2% 100.0%
% within Sources wanted to correct their quotes 15.0% 19.1% 17.3%
2013-2 Count 31 16 47
Expected Count 21.0 26.0 47.0
% within Semester of student 66.0% 34.0% 100.0%
% within Sources wanted to correct their quotes 24.4% 10.2% 16.5%
2014-2 Count 17 31 48
Expected Count 21.5 26.5 48.0
% within Semester of student 35.4% 64.6% 100.0%
% within Sources wanted to correct their quotes 13.4% 19.7% 16.9%
2012-1 Count 8 17 25
Expected Count 11.2 13.8 25.0
% within Semester of student 32.0% 68.0% 100.0%
% within Sources wanted to correct their quotes 6.3% 10.8% 8.8%
2013-1 Count 13 11 24
Expected Count 10.7 13.3 24.0
% within Semester of student 54.2% 45.8% 100.0%
% within Sources wanted to correct their quotes 10.2% 7.0% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 39 52 91
Expected Count 40.7 50.3 91.0
% within Semester of student 42.9% 57.1% 100.0%
% within Sources wanted to correct their quotes 30.7% 33.1% 32.0%
Total Count 127 157 284
Expected Count 127.0 157.0 284.0
% within Semester of student 44.7% 55.3% 100.0%
% within Sources wanted to correct their quotes 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Semester of student * Sources felt misunderstood CrosstabulationSemester of student * Sources felt misunderstood Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 31 rows
  Sources felt misunderstood Total
No Yes
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 44 5 49
Expected Count 44.3 4.7 49.0
% within Semester of student 89.8% 10.2% 100.0%
% within Sources felt misunderstood 17.1% 18.5% 17.3%
2013-2 Count 43 4 47
Expected Count 42.5 4.5 47.0
% within Semester of student 91.5% 8.5% 100.0%
% within Sources felt misunderstood 16.7% 14.8% 16.5%
2014-2 Count 40 8 48
Expected Count 43.4 4.6 48.0
% within Semester of student 83.3% 16.7% 100.0%
% within Sources felt misunderstood 15.6% 29.6% 16.9%
2012-1 Count 23 2 25
Expected Count 22.6 2.4 25.0
% within Semester of student 92.0% 8.0% 100.0%
% within Sources felt misunderstood 8.9% 7.4% 8.8%
2013-1 Count 24 0 24
Expected Count 21.7 2.3 24.0
% within Semester of student 100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within Sources felt misunderstood 9.3% 0.0% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 83 8 91
Expected Count 82.3 8.7 91.0
% within Semester of student 91.2% 8.8% 100.0%
% within Sources felt misunderstood 32.3% 29.6% 32.0%
Total Count 257 27 284
Expected Count 257.0 27.0 284.0
% within Semester of student 90.5% 9.5% 100.0%
% within Sources felt misunderstood 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Semester of student * Parts did not think they were heard enough CrosstabulationSemester of student * Parts did not think they were heard enough Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 31 rows
  Parts did not think they were heard enough Total
No Yes
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 49 0 49
Expected Count 48.0 1.0 49.0
% within Semester of student 100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within Parts did not think they were heard enough 17.6% 0.0% 17.3%
2013-2 Count 46 1 47
Expected Count 46.0 1.0 47.0
% within Semester of student 97.9% 2.1% 100.0%
% within Parts did not think they were heard enough 16.5% 16.7% 16.5%
2014-2 Count 47 1 48
Expected Count 47.0 1.0 48.0
% within Semester of student 97.9% 2.1% 100.0%
% within Parts did not think they were heard enough 16.9% 16.7% 16.9%
2012-1 Count 25 0 25
Expected Count 24.5 .5 25.0
% within Semester of student 100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within Parts did not think they were heard enough 9.0% 0.0% 8.8%
2013-1 Count 24 0 24
Expected Count 23.5 .5 24.0
% within Semester of student 100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
% within Parts did not think they were heard enough 8.6% 0.0% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 87 4 91
Expected Count 89.1 1.9 91.0
% within Semester of student 95.6% 4.4% 100.0%
% within Parts did not think they were heard enough 31.3% 66.7% 32.0%
Total Count 278 6 284
Expected Count 278.0 6.0 284.0
% within Semester of student 97.9% 2.1% 100.0%
% within Parts did not think they were heard enough 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Semester of student * Wrong facts CrosstabulationSemester of student * Wrong facts Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 31 rows
  Wrong facts Total
No Yes
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 38 11 49
Expected Count 44.3 4.7 49.0
% within Semester of student 77.6% 22.4% 100.0%
% within Wrong facts 14.8% 40.7% 17.3%
2013-2 Count 46 1 47
Expected Count 42.5 4.5 47.0
% within Semester of student 97.9% 2.1% 100.0%
% within Wrong facts 17.9% 3.7% 16.5%
2014-2 Count 45 3 48
Expected Count 43.4 4.6 48.0
% within Semester of student 93.8% 6.3% 100.0%
% within Wrong facts 17.5% 11.1% 16.9%
2012-1 Count 24 1 25
Expected Count 22.6 2.4 25.0
% within Semester of student 96.0% 4.0% 100.0%
% within Wrong facts 9.3% 3.7% 8.8%
2013-1 Count 22 2 24
Expected Count 21.7 2.3 24.0
% within Semester of student 91.7% 8.3% 100.0%
% within Wrong facts 8.6% 7.4% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 82 9 91
Expected Count 82.3 8.7 91.0
% within Semester of student 90.1% 9.9% 100.0%
% within Wrong facts 31.9% 33.3% 32.0%
Total Count 257 27 284
Expected Count 257.0 27.0 284.0
% within Semester of student 90.5% 9.5% 100.0%
% within Wrong facts 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Semester of student * Published articles without hearing both or other parts CrosstabulationSemester of student * Published articles without hearing both or other parts Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 31 rows
  Published articles without hearing both or other parts Total
No Yes
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 28 21 49
Expected Count 35.9 13.1 49.0
% within Semester of student 57.1% 42.9% 100.0%
% within Published articles without hearing both or other parts 13.5% 27.6% 17.3%
2013-2 Count 36 11 47
Expected Count 34.4 12.6 47.0
% within Semester of student 76.6% 23.4% 100.0%
% within Published articles without hearing both or other parts 17.3% 14.5% 16.5%
2014-2 Count 41 7 48
Expected Count 35.2 12.8 48.0
% within Semester of student 85.4% 14.6% 100.0%
% within Published articles without hearing both or other parts 19.7% 9.2% 16.9%
2012-1 Count 12 13 25
Expected Count 18.3 6.7 25.0
% within Semester of student 48.0% 52.0% 100.0%
% within Published articles without hearing both or other parts 5.8% 17.1% 8.8%
2013-1 Count 17 7 24
Expected Count 17.6 6.4 24.0
% within Semester of student 70.8% 29.2% 100.0%
% within Published articles without hearing both or other parts 8.2% 9.2% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 74 17 91
Expected Count 66.6 24.4 91.0
% within Semester of student 81.3% 18.7% 100.0%
% within Published articles without hearing both or other parts 35.6% 22.4% 32.0%
Total Count 208 76 284
Expected Count 208.0 76.0 284.0
% within Semester of student 73.2% 26.8% 100.0%
% within Published articles without hearing both or other parts 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Semester of student * Could not update an article as part source did not return CrosstabulationSemester of student * Could not update an article as part source did not return Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 31 rows
  Could not update an article as part source did not return Total
No Yes
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 41 8 49
Expected Count 42.6 6.4 49.0
% within Semester of student 83.7% 16.3% 100.0%
% within Could not update an article as part source did not return 16.6% 21.6% 17.3%
2013-2 Count 40 7 47
Expected Count 40.9 6.1 47.0
% within Semester of student 85.1% 14.9% 100.0%
% within Could not update an article as part source did not return 16.2% 18.9% 16.5%
2014-2 Count 38 10 48
Expected Count 41.7 6.3 48.0
% within Semester of student 79.2% 20.8% 100.0%
% within Could not update an article as part source did not return 15.4% 27.0% 16.9%
2012-1 Count 20 5 25
Expected Count 21.7 3.3 25.0
% within Semester of student 80.0% 20.0% 100.0%
% within Could not update an article as part source did not return 8.1% 13.5% 8.8%
2013-1 Count 22 2 24
Expected Count 20.9 3.1 24.0
% within Semester of student 91.7% 8.3% 100.0%
% within Could not update an article as part source did not return 8.9% 5.4% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 86 5 91
Expected Count 79.1 11.9 91.0
% within Semester of student 94.5% 5.5% 100.0%
% within Could not update an article as part source did not return 34.8% 13.5% 32.0%
Total Count 247 37 284
Expected Count 247.0 37.0 284.0
% within Semester of student 87.0% 13.0% 100.0%
% within Could not update an article as part source did not return 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Semester of student * Had to pressure sources to hurry up CrosstabulationSemester of student * Had to pressure sources to hurry up Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 31 rows
  Had to pressure sources to hurry up Total
No Yes
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 28 21 49
Expected Count 32.8 16.2 49.0
% within Semester of student 57.1% 42.9% 100.0%
% within Had to pressure sources to hurry up 14.7% 22.3% 17.3%
2013-2 Count 32 15 47
Expected Count 31.4 15.6 47.0
% within Semester of student 68.1% 31.9% 100.0%
% within Had to pressure sources to hurry up 16.8% 16.0% 16.5%
2014-2 Count 36 12 48
Expected Count 32.1 15.9 48.0
% within Semester of student 75.0% 25.0% 100.0%
% within Had to pressure sources to hurry up 18.9% 12.8% 16.9%
2012-1 Count 17 8 25
Expected Count 16.7 8.3 25.0
% within Semester of student 68.0% 32.0% 100.0%
% within Had to pressure sources to hurry up 8.9% 8.5% 8.8%
2013-1 Count 13 11 24
Expected Count 16.1 7.9 24.0
% within Semester of student 54.2% 45.8% 100.0%
% within Had to pressure sources to hurry up 6.8% 11.7% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 64 27 91
Expected Count 60.9 30.1 91.0
% within Semester of student 70.3% 29.7% 100.0%
% within Had to pressure sources to hurry up 33.7% 28.7% 32.0%
Total Count 190 94 284
Expected Count 190.0 94.0 284.0
% within Semester of student 66.9% 33.1% 100.0%
% within Had to pressure sources to hurry up 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Semester of student * Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories CrosstabulationSemester of student * Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories Crosstabulation, table, 2 levels of column headers and 3 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 31 rows
  Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories Total
No Yes
Semester of student 2012-2 Count 30 19 49
Expected Count 29.0 20.0 49.0
% within Semester of student 61.2% 38.8% 100.0%
% within Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories 17.9% 16.4% 17.3%
2013-2 Count 31 16 47
Expected Count 27.8 19.2 47.0
% within Semester of student 66.0% 34.0% 100.0%
% within Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories 18.5% 13.8% 16.5%
2014-2 Count 29 19 48
Expected Count 28.4 19.6 48.0
% within Semester of student 60.4% 39.6% 100.0%
% within Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories 17.3% 16.4% 16.9%
2012-1 Count 14 11 25
Expected Count 14.8 10.2 25.0
% within Semester of student 56.0% 44.0% 100.0%
% within Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories 8.3% 9.5% 8.8%
2013-1 Count 12 12 24
Expected Count 14.2 9.8 24.0
% within Semester of student 50.0% 50.0% 100.0%
% within Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories 7.1% 10.3% 8.5%
2014-1 Count 52 39 91
Expected Count 53.8 37.2 91.0
% within Semester of student 57.1% 42.9% 100.0%
% within Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories 31.0% 33.6% 32.0%
Total Count 168 116 284
Expected Count 168.0 116.0 284.0
% within Semester of student 59.2% 40.8% 100.0%
% within Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
IBM SPSS Web Report