IBM SPSS Web Report - Output1

Separator Separator
StatisticsStatistics, table, 1 levels of column headers and 2 levels of row headers, table with 14 columns and 4 rows
  How many articles did you write in the course? How many articles did you encounter problems with? Online journalism conflicts with my idea of good journalism? I would like to work with online journalism in the future Sources wanted to correct their quotes Sources felt misunderstood Parts did not think they were heard enough Wrong facts Published articles without hearing both or other parts Could not update an article as part source did not return Had to pressure sources to hurry up Had to do really sharp angles to sell stories
N Valid 282 284 282 283 284 284 284 284 284 284 284 284
Missing 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0